Saturday, February 13, 2010

I don't know why I have hearts on the brain... I don't have a Valentine...and not a huge fan of the commericalized holiday. I think you should express your love for someone year round not just one day.

On hold...mmm m&ms

Thursday, February 11, 2010

We went to Pushaw Lake today to grab two caches that are on the islands out there. Amazingly I didn't fall once...unlike Corey ;) It was windy out on the ice but was very beautiful outside. The ice was still really thick even though it was 40 degrees out so there was no danger of falling through. Unlike last year we were able find the Island Hoppers cache although we did need a little help and had to phone a friend.

Stablicers from LLBean kept me from falling.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tonight I went to the Banff Mountain Film Festival at the Opera House in Bangor, Maine. I had never been before and I am glad I was able to go. :) The films were incredible and its amazing to see the lengths people will go for an adventure. Makes me wish I was more athletic.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

green....I do love you...
from littlebrownpen Green series

Monday, February 8, 2010

Visit all the Starbucks in Maine

Kinda funny to think I have actually been to all of the Starbucks in Maine now. hehe 


Augusta Target

Bangor, Mall Blvd., Bangor

Bangor Target

Barnes and Noble, Augusta, ME

Biddeford Target

Brunswick, Gurnet Drive, Brunswick

Falmouth, Route 1, Falmouth

Freeport-Main Street, Freeport


Exchange Street-Portland, Maine, Portland

Hay Building, Portland

Northgate Plaza, Portland

Orono, University of Maine Campus

Portland Airport

Portland, 1080 Forest Ave, Portland


Maine Crossing, South Portland

Maine Mall / South Portland

Topsham, Fair Mall Road, Topsham

Target Topsham

Waterville, Maine, Waterville

The Miss Portland Diner

I was surprised today that I was able to cross something off
my list for 30 Before 30 :)
Thanks to Chris for going with me
and it was nice to catch up with him.

I hadn't had French Toast in a while
and I was hungry :)

As you can see the food was yummy.
Its hard to leave the boys :(
documenting today because
I feel like I am having a good hair day
I am awake and showered while Sabi is still in bed...