Saturday, May 14, 2011

I'm off to Seattle tomorrow. I will post some pictures while I am out on the West Coast. Don't worry I'll be back in a week and share what I did on vacation. :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Friday the 13th!

Where's Wendy?

Coco Loco on Central Street in Bangor opened today. Its a Mexican restaurant that has tamales, tostadas, tacos, empanadas and quesadillas on the menu currently. It seemed a little chaotic being the first day open in the kitchen but the food was delicious. I am hoping this becomes a great place for locals to stop by for lunch. From what I heard Coco Loco will be open Monday-Friday 7-2pm and is cash only. Curious what the breakfast menu will look like. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Where You Invest Your Love, You Invest Your Life....
-Mumford & Sons
IKEA, originally uploaded by drwhogrl.
IKEA....Charlotte.....IKEA.... ;-)


Photo by Charlotte
w in sparkler, originally uploaded by drwhogrl.
Have a Good Life...Yes I will...

DSC01505, originally uploaded by drwhogrl.

What I want....a hammock, kayaks and living by the water...

homemade pea soup

homemade pea soup, originally uploaded by drwhogrl.

Its cold and raining outside. I think now is a great time for some homemade pea soup from my grandmother. :)

scan, originally uploaded by drwhogrl.
Today I felt old. I had to go to the chiropractor because of hip pain. I found out that its not torn ligaments but muscle tension. Thankfully its fixable and then maybe I will feel young again like in this photo from high school. I turned 30 this year.

Monday, May 9, 2011

data, originally uploaded by drwhogrl.

Mini violet plant from know you wish you had a squirrel planter (from Grammy)