I mentioned to my coworker that I needed a piece for my door knobs at home and he brought these in for me! I was so excited to be able to make all the door knobs match using the original type of door knobs that are the white porcelain.
My coworker also gave me his extra sander that he didn't need. Yay for power tools! The sander is one of my favorite tools to use. He said due to my past history with accidents he wouldn't give me the extra circular saw he had, but recommend I get a nice new one if I dared to get one. Someday....What I really want is to get a cordless drill. Maybe when there are good sales I will pick up a set of tools.
And here is the Oreo donut from Dunkin Donuts. I had a stressful morning and decided why not.
Ha! I saw the donuts this morning and thought I'll need to tell you :-)