Tuesday, March 1, 2011


  • I had weird dreams last night but amazingly not about zombies. 
  • I miss Sabi.... 
  • I slept in again...either I'm depressed or my sleep cycle is screwed up.
  • I hate snow...and sleet...I have no motivation during this time.
  • Due to no motivation I made an inspiration board. I recommend making one. I'll post a pic later.
  • I've been repeating a mantra over and over again when I start to think negatively. It seems to help.
  • Its been over five days since I had a soda. Seltzer has helped a lot.
  • I worked out today and I felt better after doing it.
  • Because I was told that I couldn't hike Mt Katahdin, that it was too hard, I will do it this summer. As Yoda said "Do or do not... there is no try"
  • I only have my computer and car to pay off now. That makes me happy. I had credit card debt for too long. I can't wait to get into homeowner debt ;-)
  • People really are two-faced. I can't read people at all. I try to see the good and get disappointed. Lately I have been shocked when I people show their true selves.
  • I did laugh a lot today. My coworkers are amusing with their shenanigans.
  • I'm looking forward to the weekend. I have plans to do something from my Life List.
  • I'm proud of myself that I have been paying attention to what I have been eating. I didn't realize how badly I was eating. I was eating nutritious foods but ignoring calories. I want to reach the point where I just need to maintain my weight.
  • I decided I wanted my blog to be more about me instead of just pictures. Hoping the people that actually read it don't mind the additional text.

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